When her mother was in her seventies, Constance Hanstedt and her siblings realized that she was depressed and confused, and could no longer take care of herself or her home.
Her mother was moved into an assisted living facility where she was diagnosed with dementia-type Alzheimer’s.
We all need to keep on living. Constance leaned on the power of poetry.
Treading Water
Through well-crafted verse, and in a voice that is both lyrical and insightful, Treading Waterexplores memory, roots, family, and life’s struggles.
In this poetry collection, Hanstedt holds onto the beauty of nature and universal redemption by finding that “triumphs are simple … even my voice, with its cracks and imperfections.”
If poetry is supposed to be like a “melody soothing every muscle, every weary bone” then Treading Water masterfully accomplishes that.